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Die SHF Trade & Consult e.K. (registered merchant) is a German trading enterprise which has specialised in international trade for various types of goods from renowned manufacturers in particular electrical and home appliances, multimedia, machines, and petrochemical products. The heart of the trading enterprise is exporting the aforementioned goods to the Asian market, mainly the Middle East and Far East. We access a comprehensive international network of manufacturers, retailers, remainder stock pools, and logistics partners for this.
In doing so prompt, reliable, and long-term supplies for the customer have the highest priority for us. In addition our operations are distinguished by a well-founded knowledge of the European and Asian market in relation to legal and economic factors.
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Customer satisfaction as well as a sustainable business partnership with the producers and wholesalers plays a primary role for us. Through our available know-how we are always able to give comprehensive consultation to our customers for a successful purchase as well as marketing in the target country. Relevant knowledge of the legal and commercial frameworks constitutes the pivotal keystone of a sustainable cooperation to export goods. As not every product has the same demand in every country. We can comprehensively and constructively advise you as a competent business partner and then provide you with the suitable goods.
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Kundenzufriedenheit und eine langfristige geschäftliche Partnerschaft mit den Kunden sowie auch mit den Produzenten und Großhändlern ein spielt eine große Rolle.
Maßgebliche und fundierte Kenntnisse über die rechtliche und kommerzielle Rahmenbedingungen für den Export und erfolgreichen Import im Zielland.
Durch vorhandene Kenntnisse auch gerne bereit ein bestimmte geschäftliches Vorhaben als Partner mit zu betreuen und bei der Entwicklung mit zu gestallten.
Maßgeschneiderte Angebote für die Kunden für die entsprechende Ware die sie benötigen.
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Thanks to our comprehensive expertise and experience we will gladly accompany specific business enterprises and projects as a partner and actively support the development of diverse work processes.
At the same time we are continuously making efforts to offer our customers flexible and tailored offers as well as resolution methods for their enterprises. Detailed, commercially, as well as legally relevant factors are drawn on and considered for these in order to greatly reduce the potential business risks.
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A functioning network enables us to continuously provide you with competitive export prices and support you in individual operations.
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SHF Trade & Consult e.K. stands for reliable cooperation on the basis of a comprehensive market analysis and consultation.
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Comprehensive knowledge of the relevant individual operations serves as the guarantee of success for your enterprise.
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SHF Trade & Consult e.K.
Neuer Wall 26-28
20354 Hamburg
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+49 (0) 40 24 43 45 51
+49 (0) 40 24 43 45 52
[col_inner span__sm="12" padding="5px 5px 1px 10px" margin="0px 0px 0px 0px" depth="1" depth_hover="2"]
Mobil: +49 (0) 176 62 78 37 52
Fax: +49 (0) 40 24 43 45 53
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SHF Trade & Consult e.K.
Neuer Wall 26-28
20354 Hamburg
+49 (0) 40 80 79 62 16
+49 (0) 40 24 43 45 51
+49 (0) 176 6278 375 2
+49 (0) 40 80 79 62 15
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Ein funktioniertes Netzwerk ermöglicht uns, Ihnen stets konkurrenzfähige Exportpreise vorzulegen und Sie bei den einzelnen Arbeitsschritten zu unterstützen.
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Die Shf-Trading e.K. steht für eine zuverlässige Zusammenarbeit auf Basis einer umfangreichen Marktanalyse und Beratung.
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Umfangreiches Wissen zu den relevanten Arbeitsschritten dienen als Erfolgsgarant für Ihr Vorhaben.
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SHF Trade & Consult e.K.
Neuer Wall 26-28
20354 Hamburg
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+49 (0) 40 80 79 62 16
+49 (0) 40 24 43 45 51
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+49 (0) 176 6278 375 2
+49 (0) 40 80 79 62 15
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
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SHF Trade & Consult e.K.
Neuer Wall 26-28
20354 Hamburg
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+49 (0) 40 80 79 62 16
+49 (0) 40 24 43 45 51
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Mobil: +49 (0) 176 6278 375 2
Fax: +49 (0) 40 80 79 62 15
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SHF Trade & Consult e.K.
Neuer Wall 26-28
20354 Hamburg
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+49 (0) 40 24 43 45 51
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Mobil: +49 (0) 176 6278 375 2
Fax: +49 (0) 40 80 79 62 15
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